Friday, April 9, 2010

Justin Bieber is more than a teen heart throb.

The first thing you notice when talking to teen heartthrob Justin Bieber is just how normal he is – no freaky wise-beyond-his-years or manufactured-child-star vibe here. Just an ordinary 16-year-old kid who loves what he’s doing and is having a really, really good time doing it.
OK, an ordinary 16-year-old kid who can sing circles around people three times his age; plays piano, drums, guitar and trumpet; inspires the same kind of hysteria among his fans as The Beatles and Elvis did for theirs and so impressed Lionel Richie that the singer handed over his solo in the “We Are The World” remake earlier this year.  See tour schedules, tickets and prices. Hound Ticket news brought to you by The News Hound at™.